Qi-Long Ying awarded NIH grant

Qi-Long Ying has received a new research grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Qi-Long Ying has received $1.32 million to investigate how two proteins, called GSK3 and ERK, influence whether stem cells self-renew to produce more stem cells, or differentiate into more specialized cell types. When the levels of either of these two proteins are out of wack, people can develop a wide range of diseases, including cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and mood disorders.

“Our study will have important implications for regenerative medicine as well as for developing therapies for diseases caused by a dysfunction of GSK3 or ERK,” said Ying, a Professor of Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine, and Integrative Anatomical Sciences at the Keck School.

To read more, visit stemcell.keck.usc.edu/usc-stem-cell-scientists-neil-segil-and-qi-long-ying-are-awarded-nih-grants.